There are plenty of hidden diamonds within your business? Years ago, a great friend gifted me a book titled “Acres of Diamonds, “It tells the story of a farmer who was doing well in life but wasn’t completely satisfied. He heard that a number of other farmers had gone off in search of diamond mines and become instant millionaires. He decided to sell his farm and go out to find his own treasure. He searched the African continent for more than 12 years without success. Unfortunately, in a fit of desperation, he gave up and threw himself into the ocean and drowned.
Back on old farm the new owner was out feeding an animal and noticed a rock beneath the creek that had a strange glint to it. He took the rock to an expert who confirmed it to be a large diamond! As he continued to walk the he started notice rocks everywhere!
The farm that the original farmer sold in an effort to find a diamond mine, was discovered to be the greatest diamond mine on the African continent! Instead of complaining about a lack of diamonds, he would have done better if he had spent the time mining the old farm.
Have you been looking for that one new Business Strategy that will take you over the top that will make you a millionaire? Like the farmer, you are already surrounded by a great source of wealth. What I am talking about here is Mining your Database. If you successfully mined your current data base and achieved a 10 percent improvement in the number of returning customers?
Let’s go through the mathematics of this, let say your million-dollar workshop has 757 “active customers” (10% is say 76). Based on the workshop owner’s average invoice of say ($471.00), and visits per vehicle (2.00), you would pick up an additional $71,592.00 in sales for the year! (76 x $471.00 x 2.00 = $71,592.00)
The mathematics don’t lie, and profit isn’t a dirty word!
Focusing on marketing to your existing customers is the key to building your business and of course with regards to all the hidden diamonds. I’ve discovered that it’s hardest to see the solution that’s right in front of you, so make sure you keep reading to discover two mining strategies you may have overlooked.
Two strategies that will help you drive greater business and personal prosperity
Take Care
Mark Selbst
“The No Bull-Dust Approach to A More Profitable Automotive Business,
A Better Business Life And More Time Off”.
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